Inspired by the long shadows and different angle of light that streams through the studio windows this time of year, we dreamt up these whimsical Karla Gerard inspired art suncatchers for our 5-9 year old classes this week.
The students drew with Sharpie on the sticky side of a large sheet of contact paper, colored in the shapes with oil pastel, and then we covered it with another sheet of contact paper (warning: contact paper has a mind of its own so this is not a maneuver we’d recommend trying with lots of little hands and fingers attempting to help ~ we are <ahem> trained professionals). The oil pastels on contact paper feel really creamy and the kids enjoy how vibrant the colors look through the shiny side of the contact paper. It’s also nice because it’s a really unusual medium with a nice, smooth texture. They then made a decorative hanger by watercoloring wooden beads, stringing them on a piece of colored wire, and attaching the wire to a wooden dowel.