Meet our Teachers!
This post is long over due… about 7 months over due!
But I though since we are going into Summer Camp – it was the perfect time to MEET OUR TEACHERS!! These lovely ladies will be running camps with me all summer long.
Ms. Kristen
I met Kristin 6 years ago when we were matched up to teach preschool together. Right away I was drawn to her beautiful smile and sweet personality. Like me, she loved all things Disney and we soon found out that we shared the same birthday (July 31st, for anyone who wants to send cards and flowers). She was and is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to all things Small Hands Big Art.
Ms. Kirsten
Not to be confused with Ms. Kristen- HAHA! Kirsten and I met a few years ago through our mutual friend, Erin. Our girls have been friends since Kindergarten and we both share a love for antique stores and Anthropologie. Kirsten works as an Occupational Therapist along with helping us out at the studio. When I first started talking to her about SHBA, she mentioned that she would love to work here. I wasn’t sure if she was serious until after the 4th time she mentioned it to me. Now I couldn’t imagine my Wednesday mornings without her!
Ms. Brittany
I met Brittany through my best friend, Jessica. Brittany had been her son’s art teacher at preschool and spoke so highly of her. Little did I know that Brittany had quite the cult following around Fort Mill with the preschool set. Ms. Brittany for President!! Her #1 priority is her one year old daughter, Everly, but once a week, she leaves her with a trusted friend to come and get messy with us at the studio. Brittany will be making some appearances over the summer (Toddler camp anyone?), so make sure to stop by and say HI to her!
Ms. Elizabeth
Once Upon a time a friend of mine told me that I had a twin running around Fort Mill named Elizabeth. One day I was sitting in carpool line and I heard a *knock knock* . I roll down my window and hear “ So I’ve heard we are twins!” HA! We have been friends ever since. Elizabeth worked with me a preschool for a few years wit the 2 year old classes, which automatically makes her a super hero. When it comes to being creative and crafty, she is the yin to my yang. Maybe you have seen our very popular Pinterest board- Jen and Elizabeth’s Crafty Year?
Ms. Jackie
Jackie was very lucky to meet ME two years ago. Her luck continued when I asked her to join me at the studio. Jackie has worked with kids for over 25 years and her love for kids shows every day! I was immediately drawn to her bigger than life personality, smile, and her British accent. I mean, I’ve always wanted an accent- maybe working with her will make it with rub off on me?
We can’t wait to see you all in camp this summer!
Cheerio all!