These Memory Jars are such a fun way to capture children’s imaginations and preserve their favorite memories! Literally.
Who hasn’t wanted to save time in a bottle? Well this simple drawing prompt enables you to do just that! The main technique we wanted students to learn was how to draw a cylindrical shape. The prompt itself was so simple, but seemed to open up such a colorful world of limitless imagination!
After we tee’d up the idea, kids all seemed to have something that immediately came to mind that they wanted to depict in their jar! In fact we worked on these for a full two hour-long class periods! It was fun to watch them draw and talk about their memories as they were working. Kids loved these so much we were talking about how fun it would be for them to create a memory jar for friends and loved ones, with special memories that they shared with each person. Hellooooo amazing art gift to Grandma & Grandpa!
Students applied color with watercolor pencils* at the end. We love the illustrative look of the final pieces.
*…speaking of watercolor pencils – what is your favorite brand?? We have literally tried dozens of brands and always go back to our old standby, Crayola! This is not prompted or sponsored. It is just me speaking from experience, telling you that you could spend a LOT of moola on some really expensive watercolor pencils (been there, done that), but we’ve done side-by-side comparisons, and really think that the very reasonably priced Crayola watercolor pencils are the best quality for the money. They have super nice pigment, and, in my opinion almost the most important quality of a good watercolor pencil: they blend very well! The lines almost completely disappear if you use a stiff bristle brush and work in small circular strokes. … Just sayin’ 🙂