~Springtime in Paris with my {then} seven year old niece. Begging to try escargot (“Aunt Jer, it tastes like dirt!”). Climbing to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. The Eiffel Tower on a blustery rainy day, gulping hot chocolate & cafe au lait. The wind blowing our umbrellas inside out on the steps of the Sacre C’oeur. Wearing a glistening golden three foot ponytail that she coveted in the window of a wig shop that we passed near our hotel in Montmarte (thanks, grandma!). Playing Yahtzee every night before bed. Mailing postcards to each other. “I hope this pose card will make you rember Paris. I can’t wait till you can see me in the sumer!”
These adorable paper cut outs of Paris from made by joel look like so much fun! Forget the passports! Print these right now and you and your family can be touring the “city of lights” before dinner!