We’re no strangers to what we refer to (quite literally) as the “sticky wall“, but we had been feeling the urge for something… you know…big and sticky!
I racked my brain trying to think of what we could use that was large scale and sticky… I Googled and Googled until I hit the jackpot! Self-adhesive vinyl! The large rolls that professional printers use for large format sign printing. I found a 60′ long 5′ high roll of bright white 275 mic (approx. 11 mil) thick vinyl and it was perfect! I think the roll cost $85 – but we still had most of it left to use for other projects! I can’t find the link to it right now & you can always just search for large rolls of oversized printer vinyl online, but we found it at USA Custom Pad / Leather & Vinyl Direct phone 800-310-2723, item WFR 023R02153 Self-Adhesive Vinyl 275 mic.
So we won’t lie and lead you to believe that getting this bad boy up on the wall was an easy job! We taped the edges to the wall, with the sticky side up. We left the paper backing attached when we taped it up, and then slowly peeled the backing off in strips. This stretched the vinyl a bit, so we had to go back and pull the tape at the edges tight to avoid large areas of wrinkles. Here is Katie peeling off the backing, I can’t remember if she was laughing or crying. Or both.
We used oil pastels to draw loose lines in various colors, and provided big trays of leftover painted paper cut into small geometric shapes, in warm and cool colors. The idea was that kids would match up small pieces of cut painted paper to the colors, forming a giant mosaic. This has so much potential – we’re already thinking of our next “theme”!
It worked! Kids of all ages loved it!
At the end of the day, it was mostly finished, but we left it up for students in class to continue to work on it!
We love the way the mosaic wall reflects on our stainless steel tables in the studio!
The leftover small pieces were later used for these small tissue paper mosaics.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! I’m the art teacher here at Sabis International School in Phoenix and I’m prepping our Art Show at the start of May right now. I’m pretty much done collecting student art and preparing it, but was looking for some more “interactive” displays to really get parents and students involved at the art show more than just looking at the artwork. I think this would fit my wants/needs perfectly. Where did you find your vinyl? I have no idea where to find that amount! Please email me at mguymon@sis-sabis.net and let me know! Thank you so much!!
I also LOVE this!!!! I am an art teacher at Victory Christian Academy in Texas and I’m preparing for our Art Show at the end of April. I would like to know where you found this vinyl. I researched a bit, but became quite overwhelmed and confused with products. Please email me at debbie.selz@gmail.com and let me know.
Thanks a bunch!!
Debbie Selz
When you were finished, what did you do to make the sticky areas not pick up dirt etc.
Hi Kristina – we didn’t do anything. For the most part, it was completely covered, but the open areas seemed to be fine. I imagine if we left it up for a very long time it might pick up some dirt etc. but we didn’t have that problem.
Is it just regular paper you are sticking to it? For example would construction paper or something silimar work? Can you provide more info on where you purchased the vinyl?
I would’ve to know where you found the vinyl at- this is a great project to have at our art show Thanks!
Hi Sarah – it’s an oversized roll of adhesive vinyl that a print shop would use to print large signs – so when you’re googling, think of it as a supply for a commercial printer. I found our receipt it was from USA Custom Pad / Leather & Vinyl Direct 800-310-2723 ORDER DETAILS:
Item: WFR 023R02153 Self-Adhesive Vinyl 275 mic
Quantity: 1
Description: WFR 023R02153 Self-Adhesive Vinyl 275 mic
Price (each): 85.00
Item Total: 85.00
This is an amazing idea! I live in Canada and i was able to source out the vinyl paper for a collaborative community mural that we will be doing shortly. What type of paper did you use for the collage pieces?