Reindeer Roundup – A Collection of Reindeer Art Projects for Kids
My love affair with reindeer started with this adorable fellow. He was so charming and sweet, and oh, the way he jingle jangled…. His stoic expression belied a festive disposition that [...]
Winter Reindeer
These adorable reindeer paintings were created by a full house of young artists in a winter break camp! The kids in this camp were mixed ages 5-12. We did a quick instructional drawing with the [...]
Mixed Media Elves // Holiday Workshop
Trying to invent a better elf design every year is no easy task!
Winter Holiday Art Highlights // Holiday Workshop
A few little gems from our winter holiday festivities...
Upcycled Holiday Reindeer // Holiday Workshop
This might have been our favorite reindeer-making workshop yet. And we've had some real doozies!
Ceramic Gingerbread Houses // Holiday Workshop
Teens & adults enjoyed sculpting these ceramic gingerbread houses at our ceramic holiday workshop last week!
Upcycle Toy Sculptures // Art + Craft Tutorial
What to do with the family's surplus of broken toys caught underfoot?