In Elementary, Preschool

Bug your Valentine in a good way this year!   Nothing says “I think I sorta might possibly like you” quite like an irresistible cuddly little bug, made from the heart with gobs of glue & glitter!   We can’t claim the idea of a “love bug” is very original, but our version is certainly unique and is sure to be a hit with that special someone!

You Need:

  • newspaper
  • masking tape
  • aluminum foil
  • four to six pipe cleaners
  • tempera paint
  • white school glue
  • colorful shreds of paper, cut into tiny pieces the size of confetti
  • ribbons, yarn, fabric, buttons and other do-dads to adorn

How to Do It:

  • Wad a piece of newspaper into a ball to form the love bug’s body. Tape as necessary to hold its shape.
  • Wrap the pipe cleaners around the ball to and twist together at one end to form the legs.
  • Cover the ball with several sheets of aluminum foil to help mold it into the desired shape. Leave the legs protruding from the foil.
  • Cover the aluminum foil with a layer of masking tape to prep the surface for painting.
  • Cut colorful pieces of scrap paper into tiny pieces about the size of confetti. Mix with tiny scraps of yarn, ribbon & string, and anything else you can think of! Get creative! Mix in several heaping teaspoons of different colors of glitter. Cover the table with plastic or newspaper, and spread a generous amount of the mixture on the table.
  • Slather a thick coat of brightly colored tempera paint over the masking tape.
  • While the love bug is still wet from the paint, roll it around in the confetti mixture until it is fully covered. When the confetti stops sticking, drizzle heaping globs of glue all around the ball and keep rolling!
  • After it is fully covered with the confetti mixture, allow it to dry completely.
  • The last step requires enormous amounts of creativity! Glue buttons and other do-dads on your love bug to create a face, hair, antennae, etc. Look for fun little odds and ends around the house that might have special meaning to your sweetie, and glue them on your love bug to give him or her a unique and loveable personality!


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